Saturday, July 16, 2005
One Eternity Me... and Hitler were hanging out w/ Superman in his Black Iron Prison at the End of Time. We were trying to persuade Superman to shave that stupid beard. "It makes y look like a Viking about to go Berserk" Hitler sez. "Yeah. Y cd. ask jesus to bring y razor blades from Heaven--- the Miracle of the Perfect Shave. He'll be glad to bring y some Holy Soothing BalmĀ®". Superman looks at us like we don't get it. He hates asking jesus for stuff. I mean y wouldn't believe what jesus has to go thru to get here. Back in the good old days when Me... and Hitler and the rest of us were in Hell, jesus would descend in Power and like 2 white doves, voila! He'd bring us chocolate from Earth and cheese from the Moon and we'd all reminisce about when we all hated each other. After Satan sold hell to Superman and got out of the Eternal Torment business, everything changed. Most of the inmates agreed to the amnesty conditions, and got re-incarnated as bugs or something. Hitler sed no way and Listen to Me... ., y just don't get iT. Me... still thinks He is higher than god, el shaddai or not. His position as a prisoner of Superman not withstanding.
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