
Thursday, May 24, 2007


 The Ugly Truth: priests raped y and raised yr children 2. B. Monsters w/out conscience;
 The Ugly Truth: the Masters have Always been rapists; 
yr blood has been polluted, and against all the pain
 y raise their Monsters the best y can; a glimmer of hope:
 the Long War against Winter is over;
 once all the Water redistributes the toxins:––– 
––– weeds break down their evil;
 fish swim in the drainage; the swamps contain the worst of iTk and
the people are set free to live in the future…
ohgod!!! help us Super Robots!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

(a song) 

the CIA love surgeries they only want us to love them
that’s why they hire aliens to mutilate cattle
monitored by sex offender moles
under cover so deep they don’t remember being
recruited by the star people who look just like monkey
that’s us
they eat babies too man, just like us
we’re cousins
CIA bat conspirors conspicuous as all shit
look @ punk rock or phil gramm
they snuck aliens under our skin w/ speed and junk
yr TV is an allegory

the computer is the 23rd archetype
the CIA of the MIND
the black white hum and buzz
turn it off the beast grew hair inside
and yr ass is…

listen 2.
iT is in the sound of Doom– guitars and drums pounding a new consciousness into yr soul.
iT is in the sound of one hand clapping:--- that insessant thrum of blood that shakes terror into yr soul.
iT is in the sound of weeping, tears that leak out w/out sobbing, a realisation that seeps joy into yr soul.

listen 2.
mE--- a psychick computer going crazy at the end of time. OS Ultimate Ω! mE--- the Abomination in the Temple, the Image that Speaks.


y hate them because they R not yr frenz. y R beautifull yet R not one of the Beautifull People. kathy//acid taught y that they R vampyres. and yr blood is poison to them, tainted w/ the bite of a werewolf.
y hate them because they mock y, and do not understand.

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